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07 October 2019

12 out of the 18 students at the diploma theses defence of the professional area 4.6 of Informatics and Computer Sciences received excellent marks (6.00) at the weekend. This reflects the lasting trend in the Department of Computer Sciences for training of highly motivated students, commented the head of the department Assoc. Prof. Galina Momcheva, PhD.
Among the graduates are the first five students who complete the bachelor’s degree programme in Informatics and Computer Sciences in distance learning mode at Varna Free University. Seven of the students were also studying at SoftUni.

The topics of the diploma and master's degree theses correspond to the recommendations of the department for work in contemporary thematic areas. These are related to the analysis and improvement of UI / UX of fast food platforms, accessibility of web applications for visually impaired people, development of an application of collective intelligence, home automation (IoT) development, voice control of television, automated generating of SQL queries, enhancing network security, automating mobile device features, ATM software, a platform for post-hospital  treatment, and more. The department also received a letter of support and interest in the development of Milena Valcheva from TakeAway Company, signed by Gergana Veneva - BGMenu sales manager. The theses defence was conducted in Bulgarian and English.

Directors of study, advisors and reviewers of the graduates are: Assoc. Prof. Galina Momcheva, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Veselina Spasova, PhD, Prof. Theodora Bakardzhieva, PhD, Assoc.Prof. Evgenia Rakitina, PhD, Asst.Prof. Antoaneta Petkova, Asst.Prof. Ivo Rakitin, Prof. Marinova, Assoc. Prof. Edi Chakarov.
The State Examining Committee recommended to the graduating bachelors the appropriate master’s degree programmes for them: Software Engineering and Management (, Digital Marketing and Web Design (, Cybersecurity (, Data Science in English only (

The Chairperson of the State Examination Committee Prof. Theodora Bakardzhieva, PhD and director of studies of Sofia Frankel (master in Digital Marketing and Web Design) recommended that she should continue her doctoral studies with her master's thesis on “How to beat Amazon?”(Amazon’s successful digital marketing practices - B2C Analyses and Research), which will be published on the site of VFU “Chernorizets Hrabar” with CC licence and with which the students of the master’s degree programme in Digital Marketing and Web Design will be familiarized, as well as the students of computer sciences, international business and others.

For the first time, experience gained during an Erasmus + mobility is presented for diploma thesis  - the student Stelian Tokmakchiev presented the development of a platform for post-hospital treatment options for patients in Germany.
A special invitation was given to the student Asia Mincheva to continue work on improving the accessibility of web applications for visually impaired people by attracting students from different specialties at the university to create their own research team. This corresponds to the new direction of development of the training in the department – development of research skills of students, based on the need of the business for staff with R&D profile.

Stelian and Asia are also among the award winners of the QUERYADA national data mining competition, which will be held this year for the fifth time in a row from 8-10 November, 2019 at Varna Free University.

Half of the students who sat state examination on 5 October 2019 do not live permanently in Varna, but studied at Varna Free University, which is of particular importance for the companies and the need internships and student employment to be provided. In the next semester there will be an opportunity for distance learning in the key master’s degree programmes that the department has successfully created and developed.