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32.Creating of a Multidisciplinary Educational Environment for Development of Specialists with Integral Competencies in BioMedicine and HealthCare NoBG05M2OP001-2.016-0025

Total budget:
1 999 588,05 lv.

from 21.07.2021  to 31.12.2023 (30 months)


The implementation of Project No BG05M2OP001-2.016-0025 “Creating of a Multidisciplinary Educational Environment for Development of Specialists with Integral Competencies in BioMedicine and HealthCare” with beneficiary the Medical University “Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov" – Varna, while Varna Free University “Chernorizets Hrabar" is the main partner. The project is funded under the Operational Programme "Science and Education for Smart Growth", BG05M20P001-2.016 “Modernization of the Higher Education Institutions”, Priority Axis 2 “Education and Lifelong Learning“, with the financial support of the European Social Fund. The total value of the project is BGN 1 999 588.05, out of which BGN 1 699 649.84 are provided by the European Social Fund, and BGN 299 938,21 with national funding. The duration of the project is 30 months with a period for implementation from 21.07.2021 until 31.12.2023.
The project will be realized in partnership with the associated partners Université de Tours – France; Ruhr Universität Bochum – Germany; the Hospital "Health Center Odenwaldkreis GmbH” – Germany; the Research Hospital "Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza" – Italy and the University of Turin – Italy.
The specific goal of the project is the implementation of a competency model for hybrid education in a digital environment of students (master degree students, PhD students). Envisaged is modernization and internationalization of the education of students, post-doctoral students, young scholars, researchers and lectures in the partnering higher education institutions through key digital technologies and contemporary teaching methods.

As a result of the project, there will be innovative Master’s degree programmes in English established and realized in the field of medicine and healthcare. Efforts will be made for digitalizing the PhD programmes, as well as for students’ career development and the mobilities of students and lecturers in the associated partners.
The implementation of the project is expected to result in improvement of the entrepreneurial environment in the two universities by enhancing their evaluation grades in the HEI instrument of the EU. It is also expected to have a multidisciplinary educational environment established for the development of professional staff with integral competencies in the field of biomedicine and healthcare, which will be able to form teams, models, approaches, products and services for resolving medical and health-related issues in a digital environment.
In the long term, that will also lead to enhancing the ratings of the Medical University – Varna and VFU “Chernorizets Hrabar“ within the Rating system of the higher education institutions, as well as to enhancing the ratings of the professional fields included in the project proposal (professional field
4.6 Computing and Computer Science; professional field 7.1. Medicine and professional field 7.5. Healthcare).
The coordinator for VFU “Chernorizets Hrabar“ under the project is Assoc. Prof. Galina Momcheva, PhD, Head of the Department of Computer Science.
A kick-off awareness meeting took place on 05 August 2021 in the First Auditorium of the Medical University – Varna, where representatives of the academic community were informed about the goals of the project, its main activities and the expected results from its implementation.