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Project “Universitties – Companies Crowdsourcing – UCCrowd”



Project Coordinator


Evgeniya Rakitina – Kureshi

Project Accountant

Radostina Ivanova

Duration of the project

01.11.2013 – 31.10.2015

Project Univerities – Companies Crowd Sourcing (UCCrowd) – using the crowdsourcing model in the sphere of energetics and education supported by the Lifelong Learning Programme Centralized, Sub-Programme Erasmus, Action Multilateral Projects – Knowledge Alliances
On 1st October, 2013, the two-year-long project “Universities – Companies Crowd Sourcing (UCCrowd)” was started, estimated at 532 328 EUR.
The leading orgnanisation in the project is ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon and the other participants are: Galp Energia SA, Universioty of Salford, Akademia humanistyczno-ekonomiczna wloszi, Università degli Studi Gugliemo Marconi, Enertecna SRL, nštitut za razvojne in strateške analize, Univercell Battery Co Ltd, Plantijn Hogeschool van de Provincie Antwerpen, University of Wolverhampton, Cofely Frabricom.


The main purposes of the project are:


  • Transfer of the crowdsourcing model to academic environment and encouraging the partnership between companies and universities.
  • To stimulate the economic growth of the European economy  with more qualified labour force.
  • To build a system of stimuli which would encourage the interaction between the academic community and the business.
  • To encourage the mobility between European partners and involving them in the search of the best solutions of the stated questions.
  • To encourage using modern technologies in the teaching process
  • To initiate a discussion about better solutions in the sphere of energetics
  • To create a network of companies and higher education institutions in the field of energetics.
  • To help in creating new educational programmes  required by the needs of the firms participating in the consortium
  • To start a new research project which would unite students, firms and lecturers from different countries
  • To show lecturers how to use the platform as a teaching instrument