VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" informs that due to a technical failure in the network of the Bulgarian Telecommunications Company, the landline phones at the university will be unavailable until October 14, 2022 (Friday).
The master class Public Presentation, taught by Prof. Dr. Georgi Kalaglarski - head of the master's degree programme Advertising and Public Relations in Business Management, was held during the weekend at Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar" and sparked students' interest. The training brought together students from various specialties from the university - Law, Psychology, Architecture, Graphic Design, Business Administration and Management, etc., as well as experts from non-governmental organizations, law and journalism.
More than 200 head teachers of educational and children's institutions, teachers and psychologists will participate in the four-day seminar Cyberprotectors, dedicated to protecting children in cyberspace. The event will be held from 4 to 7 October in Varna and will be led by Vladimir Bronfenbrenner - Israeli national security expert and secretary general of the Black Sea Security Academy at Varna Free University.
Dear students, lecturers and employees of VFU “ Chernorizets Hrabar”, Free Japanese and Portuguese language courses will be held at Varna Free University this academic year as well. The training is in accordance with the study schedule and working hours of the university and will be held according to the schedule.
Information Day to present student mobility under the Erasmus+ programme was held where the possibilities for the winter semester of 2022/2023 were features. The bachelor and master students from various specialities who attended the event showed a considerable interest.
Students and lecturers from the master's degree programme in Cultural Tourism Management at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" together with the civil association "The truth about Stara Zagora" organised a national forum dedicated to the development of pilgrimage tourism in Bulgaria, which was held in the city of linden trees on 27 September - World Tourism Day. Professors, doctoral students and students from Bulgarian universities, leaders and managers from the tourism business, representatives of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, researchers, journalists participated in the discussions.
Today, we start the2022/2023 academic year. Although the opening ceremony is repeated every year, it is actually a new beginning for all of us. For our Alma Mater - the beginning of the fourth decade of its establishment. For the first-year students – a first meeting with the new orbit of their life and development. For the lecturers and employees - new challenges to defend their vocation and raise to a higher level the assumed responsibility to create and educate knowledgeable, bold and responsible people.
The First World Rectors’ Forum took place in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, on the topic "The role of universities in building a national innovation ecosystem". The event was organized by the Government of Kyrgyzstan, the World Intellectual Property Organization of the United Nations, with the support of the World Bank.
The academic year 2022 / 2023 at Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar" was opened today with a solemn ceremony. Smiles and excitement accompanied the festive day. It was special for first-year students who are entering a new orbit in their development. "Over the past few years, the admission of students at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" has been stable - about 1,500 young people," said the rector of the university, Prof. Dr. Petar Hristov to the media earlier.