The long-awaited first volume of "Criminalistics Course" by Prof. Yonko Kunchev, D. Sc. was published. Prof. Yonko Kunchev, D. Sc. is Dean of the Faculty of Law at Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar" and Head of the master’s degree programme in Forensic Expertise at the University. The course is designed in 4 volumes; each of them has a separate subject in different fields of criminalistics. The first volume deals with the historical and theoretical foundations of criminalistics. The practical function of criminalistics - to scientifically assist in the discovery of objective truth in the criminal process in accordance with its subject, is analyzed.
Prof. Yove Kekenovski, one of Northern Macedonia's leading politicians, mayor of Skopje (1995-1996) and member of the trustees of the Black Sea Security Academy, will deliver a lecture to students from Varna Free University and experts from state and municipal structures in which he will present his views on EU policy on resolving the refugee and migrant crisis and its impact on the Western Balkan countries.
The 11th birthday of the Russian Centre of Varna Free University was unusually celebrated!
Two student teams from Varna Free University “Chernorizets Hrabar” have registered to participate in the International Architecture Competition for a conceptual design of the new Karin Dom building. The students involved are majoring in Architecture - fourth year, in the master's degree programme in Preservation of Cultural Heritage and graduates. They include Arch. Teodora Karagyozova, Arch. Olga Golant, Cand. Arch. Rosen Kamenov, Arch. Anna Dimitrova, Arch. Martin Dimitrov, Aleksandar Chatov, Bogdan Neshev. Both groups are guided by Arch. Zhechka Ilieva, PhD - Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Arch. Boryana Nozharova - lecturer in the professional area of Public Buildings.
With great sadness we announce that on 14 January 2020 after a short illness, Assoc. Prof. Eng. Milena Kichekova, PhD - Head of the Department of Construction of Buildings and Structures at Varna Free University ‘’Chernorizets Hrabar”, left us forever.
We are pleased to invite students, faculty and administrative staff to join
One of the leading cybersecurity centres – the Ariel University centre for innovation and cybersecurity in Israel – praised the activities of the Black Sea Security Academy at Varna Free University “Chernorizets Hrabar” and recognized it as a regional leader in cyber and national security.
On the eve of the Christmas and New Year holidays, the Russian Centre of the VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" hosted the traditional Christmas tree, which included fourth-graders studying Russian at "Naiden Gerov" Secondary School in Varna, led by their teacher Natalia Anastasova.
Professor Daniel Zizzo is the Academic Dean and Head of School for the School of Economics at the University of Queensland, Australia. Professor Zizzo is primarily an experimental and behavioural economist, and his research is motivated by the search for more realistic empirical and theoretical foundations of economic decision-making, using mainly experimental, but also analytical and computational methods as required.