Tansu Osman - a law graduate of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar", is going to participate in the Summer Academy of European and Comparative Private Law, which is held in Salzburg, Austria. She will represent the university during the event, which has been organised annually for 23 years by the Academy of European Private Law, in cooperation with the Faculty of Law at the University of Salzburg and leading universities from around the world. Tansu is one of the six young Bulgarian lawyers chosen to go to Austria.
During the Summer Academy, the civil law systems of European and non-European countries will be examined and good practices in them will be discussed, the participant said. Among the guest speakers are judges from supreme courts, including Lord Thomas (former Chief Justice of England and Wales), Matthias Neumayr (Judge of the Supreme Court of Austria),
Ineta Ziemele (President of the Constitutional Court of Latvia),
Prof Dr Pascal Pichonnaz (President of the European Institute of Law and Head of the Department of Private and Roman Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Fribourg), Prof. Dr. Wolfram Buchwitz (acting judge and lecturer at the University of Würzburg), Prof. Dr. Eric van den Out (lecturer at the Free University of Brussels), practicing lawyers from different countries, etc.
The Bulgarian group will have a meeting with the honorary consul of our country in Salzburg - Erio Hoffman.
The young students and doctoral students applied for inclusion in the Academy through the Bulgarian branch of the Association of European Law Students and Doctoral Students - ELSA (European Law Students' Association) - the largest independent association of law students in the world. For each country, the number of students who can take part in the Academy is limited, and applicants must know both English and another language - German, French or Italian. Applications of persons with high academic results, participation in mobilities, conferences, etc. are considered. .
For Tansu, Alma Mater is not only Varna Free University, but also the University of Cologne, where she studies Business Administration. In Germany, she defended her master's degree in Strategic Management and Business Consulting. In 2022, she was elected as a legislative assistant to the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria, and a month ago, the graduate of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" ranked in the TOP 3 at the National Student Conference entitled "Economic Prospects and Challenges for the Eurozone and Bulgaria". Tansu Osman, who is the top of the Class of 2022, runs her own company that deals with consulting and translation activities.