Yoanna Hristova, a third-year student majoring in Graphic Design at Varna Free University, is the author of the drawing on the cover of the just-out-of-print children's book "Star Stories. First Meetings with the Stars for Children and Parents" by Ivanka Getsova-Momcheva. The book introduces readers to the inquisitive Iva, who soon starts school and often listens to the professional conversations of her astronomer parents. The publication features an entertaining game in astronomy that ignites children's interest in observing the starry sky.
The talented young cover artist Yoanna Hristova has a keen interest in art and culture and stands out as a future promising designer. In 2023, she was distinguished in the top three of the "Transformations" translation competition, organized by the University of Veliko Tarnovo "St. St. Cyril and Methodius," with her translation from French of a work by the Nobel laureate for literature Anatole France. At the end of 2022, she presented her first solo exhibition "Thirst/ Jajda" to the Varna public. Between 2018 - 2022, Yoanna has three realized projects – a collection of poems with accompanying illustrations and two illustrations on covers. She received an incentive award in the illustration competition for the book "Phoenix – The Temple of Life" by Elisaveta Loginova in 2021. She also participated in the second edition of the "Illustration Biennale" in 2020 with two works.
“Work on the cover of "Star Stories. First meetings with the stars for children and parents" began in November 2021,” Joanna relates. She drew inspiration from the warm narrative in Ivanka Getsova-Momcheva's story. It is the author of the book who sparked Joanna's passion for astronomy as her teacher at the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Observatory in Varna. "The memories of my childhood years at the Observatory and the plein airs in Avren awakened in me the interest in astronomy that remains alive to this day. I find the idea of communication between parent and child on such vast and profound matter as touching and truly inspiring," Joanna says.