The National Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation (NAEA) awarded the professional field "Economics" at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" the grade - 8.96 out of 10, according to the criteria for programme accreditation. The accreditation is for a period of four years.
The assessment is given in accordance with the Standards for training, research and policy on ensuring quality in the professional field.
The leading specialties in the accredited field are as follows:
In the educational-qualification degree "Bachelor":
► "Finance and Accounting" (full-time, part-time and distance learning);
► "International Economic Relations" (full-time, part-time and distance learning);
► "International Business" (full-time, taught in English).
In the educational qualification degree "Master":
► "Financial and Banking Management and Marketing" (full-time, part-time and distance learning);
► "Accounting and Financial Reporting" (full-time and part-time);
► "Financial Audit" (full-time and part-time);
► "Tax and Customs Control" (full-time and part-time);
► "International Finance" (full-time, part-time and distance learning);
► "Circular Economy" (full-time and part-time);
► "Entrepreneurship" (full-time and part-time).
This high grade is validated by periodic surveys of student satisfaction with the quality of the educational process. One of the highest grades given by the graduates of the University - 5.75 out of 6 was given for the training in the disciplines at the Department of Economics.