The contest continues with a photo competition for the best photography taken during presentations.
Source: Black Sea Information Agency and Press Center of VFU
The competition for creative skills VARNA SPAGHETTI ENGENEERING was held for the sixth consecutive year at Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar". 24 teams took part in it. 14 of them included representatives of vocational secondary schools of architecture, construction and geodesy from Varna, Bourgas, Stara Zagora, Shumen, Kardzhali, Sofia, Veliko Tarnovo and Plovdiv, and in 6 interdisciplinary teams participated students of building engineering and architecture from VFU Chernorizets Hrabar, as well as 4 teams of foreign students from Ukraine.
The official start of the competition was given personally by the president of Varna Free University Prof. DSc. Anna Nedyalkova.

Spaghetti bridges made at this year's edition of the competition for creative skills for students from vocational secondary schools of architecture, construction and geodesy and university students Varna Spaghetti Engineering stood a load of over 12 kilograms.
The jury of VARNA SPAGHETTI ENGENEERING - 2018 consisted of prominent specialists in construction industry and representatives of the local authorities. Chairman:
architect Victor Buzev - Chief Architect of Varna Municipality and members:
Prof. Dr. Teodora Bakardzhieva - vice Rector for International affairs, projects and technological development at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar",
Christian Dimitrov - Head of the Sports Directorate at Municipality of Varna,
engineer Svetlana Nikolcheva - Deputy Chairperson of the Chamber of Engineers in the Investment Design,
engineer Rusi Russev - representative of the Chamber of Builders in Bulgaria - Varna District,
engineer Snezhana Mileva - Chairperson of the Chamber of Engineers in the Investment Design, region Varna,
Galin Kolev - manager of Na-Ve Bulgaria",
Elena Kosseva - Executive Director of "St. St. Konstantine and Helena Holding JSC and
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Daria Mihaleva - lecturer at the Construction of Buildings and Facilities Department.
This year's competition VARNA SPAGHETTI ENGENEERING was dedicated to a person who is no longer among us - Prof. Dr. Eng. Petar Staykov - a long-time lecturer, one of the designers and builders of the most iconic for Varna Asparuhov Bridge. That is why the task for all competing teams of school and university students was to build a spaghetti bridge that meets three criteria: to be load-bearing, economical and attractive. Each team had 400g of spaghetti to indulge their imagination...
The most stable spaghetti bridge, which met all the criteria, was built by Bolyari team from the vocational secondary schools of architecture, construction and geodesy in Veliko Tarnovo.

The team of the vocational secondary schools of architecture, construction and geodesy from the town of Kurdzhali came second and the team "Thinking girls" from the vocational secondary schools of architecture, construction and geodesy from Stara Zagora came third.
The team of the vocational secondary schools of architecture, construction and geodesy "Vasil Levski", Varna was awarded the special prize of the Chamber of Builders, District Administration Varna.
The award of the Chamber of Engineers in the Investment Design for the most original and well-developed engineering idea was awarded to the Linguini team from the vocational secondary schools of architecture, construction and geodesy, Bourgas.
The Plovdiv team Maritza from the vocational secondary schools of architecture, construction and geodesy "Architect Kamen Petkov" was awarded the special prize of "St. St. Konstantine and Helena Holding JSC" for the most attractive spaghetti bridge. The award was presented by Mrs. Elena Koseva, CEO of the holding.
After a special vote the team
Bridge Monsters consisting of students from the Kharkov National University of Urban Economy, Ukraine was given out the audience award and a cash prize for the most attractive bridge.
The winners of the special prize for "Bridge of the future" of the Chamber of Builders, District Administration Varna became the team "Cat stroy" consisting of 3rd year students, majoring in Construction of Buildings and Facilities at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar".
The special prize of "Na-Ve Bulgaria" for the most attractive and stable bridge was given out to the team of students from Ukraine "Neslomnenie".
The Chamber of Engineers awarded the special prize "The most original and well realized idea" to the team "Ultimate Engineering" consisting of 3rd year students, majoring in "Construction of Buildings and Facilities" at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar".
"Team A" and team "Alfa" consisting of students from Ukraine were awarded the Special Prize of the Chief Architect of Varna Municipality.
All participants in VARNA SPAGHETTI ENGENEERING-2018 were issued certificates of attendance. The students from the vocational secondary schools, who were awarded prizes, were given the opportunity to enroll at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" without an entering examination, and for the team who came first, there was an additional prize. They will receive a discount from the first tuition fee at VFU. The management of the higher education institution also sent special letters with greetings to the parents of the participants in the national competition, with gratitude that they support their children on their way to realizing their dreams for successful professional development.
Thanks to the partners and sponsors of the Construction of Buildings and Facilities Department, many special and cash awards were also given out.
The novelty of the event is the special photo competition for journalists. In it, the best photo taken during the presentation of the projects will be awarded. A further 11 photos will be selected to enter a charity calendar. The prize money for the competition is BGN 250 and the funds from the sale of the calendar will be donated to the training of disadvantaged children.
You can send the photos by e-mail: After the initial selection made by the jury of the competition, they will be publishing in a special gallery on Facebook the website of Varna Free University. The final vote will be held on-line from 26 November to 3 December 2018.