The participants in the programming competition were invited to a special lecture on graphs and received a personal invitation to join an international biomedical imaging research camp at Varna Free University in June.
Competitors from the programming school of "Petar Beron" Varna School of Mathematics visited the Department of Informatics and Economics at Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar". With lecturers and university students, the 10 to 12-grade students attended a lecture and discussed topics related to the contemporary application of graph algorithms for business research. The students of Yulia Dimitrova from the elite Varna secondary school acquainted with the use of graphs, not only for the purposes of competitive informatics (programming), for which they systematically prepare at school, but with their use in the development of key technologies such as blockchain, semantic graphs, social graphs, and more.

The students had the opportunity to operate drones. The team of the university presented planned activities and programmes connected with programming suitable for pupils of different ages and implemented in different programming languages, including the oparation of drones. It is also planned to carry out organized trainings, which will start at the university in the summer of 2019. In them, children will be able to create their own programs to oparate drones with Scratch, and older students will be trained to operate drones with Python. The training will be conducted in a controlled environment, meeting all the safety and use requirements of the devices.

The meetings of the computer science experts of Varna Free University with the students of Varna School of Mathematics will continue with a visit to the secondary school in March. Various approaches to image processing and analysis will be demonstrated on the ground. "We will attract school students with interest in computer science research, and we will invite the best to an international research camp for bio-medical imaging analysis." We will continue to support the students, as we have always done, in the preparation of their research projects with which to participate in national student competitions and to participate in the interdisciplinary research group on image analysis in the city," said Assoc. Galina Momcheva, PhD, Head of the Department of Informatics and Economics at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar".

The research camp will be held from 17 to 22 June and the lecture team will include lecturers of Varna Free University and the Medical University in Varna. "We want to prove that the talents in the field of computer science can continue their development at the universities in Varna," added Assoc. Prof. Momcheva.