For the 2018/2019 academic year Varna Free University admits students in the specialty of Law as a full-time and part-time mode of study.
The part-time mode of study remains also in the next academic year. The entry into force of theOrdinanceon the Unified RequirementsforAcquiring Higher EducationinLawand theProfessional Qualification“Lawyer,”which provides for closing the part-time mode of study, introducing additional hours for certain disciplines and opening of specialized master’s degree programmes, is postponed for the 2019/2020 academic year.
The ongoing process of restructuring the educational process in all faculties of law is the reason for the decision adopted by the Council of Ministers. The new deadline will allow enough time for higher education institutions to prepare and, if necessary, change their curricula to meet the new requirements.
The National Assessment and Accreditation Agency will also be able to update the criteria for assessment and accreditation of the specialty of Law. The necessary conditions for the assessment and accreditation of specialized master's degree programmes within the professional area of Law will be created.
Extending the deadline will also allow the Ministry of Justice to form a working group to review the regulatory framework in the field of training in the specialty of the regulated professions of Law.
Meanwhile, the Commission for Protection against Discrimination will issue a mandatory prescription for the return of the part-time mode of Law. At the end of March, the commission agreed that the new regulation, which stipulates that lawyers can study only full-time, introduces indirect discrimination on the grounds of "personal status", "property status", "age" and "disability".