Impressive public buildings were presented by the students majoring in Architecture at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" during their diploma theses. The State Examination Commission, chaired by Corresponding Member Prof. D.Sc. Arch. Atanas Kovachev - Head of the Department of Architecture and Urbanism at the University, awarded the highest marks to the projects of the graduates Anelia Avdzhieva, Anani Yankov and Lilia Gancheva.

Anelia Avdzhieva got an excellent mark for her project for the establishment of a Regional Children's and Youth Center, developed for a plot in Malka Chaika area in the Asparuhovo district. The building is suited for activities in the fields of Sports, Science and Arts, as it has a swimming pool and a multifunctional sports hall, laboratories, offices for club activities and halls for role-playing games, studios, rehearsal halls and rooms for artists.
The graduate Anani Yankov presented a complete urban planning decision for the territory of the Island, which follows the provisions of the Urban Development Plan of the Municipality of Varna to create an attractive environment for the new city center. The project plans new roads that are in line with the shape of the island, as well as large areas for landscaping and tall vegetation. In the southeastern part of the island, bordering on the south with the Asparuhovo area and the canal, on the east with a newly designed marina, the graduate proposed the establishment of a Trade and Administrative Activities Business Center. He paid special attention to the preserved cultural heritage - Asparuhov Val, which is an immovable cultural heritage of "national importance".