The 9th International Scientific Conference on Architecture and Construction ArCivE '2019 was launched in Varna Free University. The forum will continue until June 2. It was opened by the president of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" Assoc. Prof. Dr. Krassimir Nedyalkov, under whose patronage the event is held.
110 Bulgarian participants and 20 foreign lecturers were registered for the conference. Interests to the event was expressed by lecturers and students from Bulgaria - from the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, the Higher School of Construction "Lyuben Karavelov", New Bulgarian University, University of Forestry, Sofia University, Institute of Mechanics, Academy of the Interior , University of Economics - Varna, "Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov" University - Burgas, Bulgarian Association for Insulation in Construction (BAIS), Scientific and Technical Unions, etc.
Prof. D.Sc. Arch. Borislav Borisov presented a report on Independence Square and the urban development problems of the Sofia Center. The topic provoked the interest of many experts in urban planning. Prof. Dr. Arch. Masud Esmaillou spoke on "Sustainable convergences of knowledge for the city of L'Aquila", and prof. Atanas Kovachev, Corresponding Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences et al on the role and importance of the coherence of planning with the market for sustainable forms of urban growth. Innovations in the thermal insulation systems of Röfix - Aerogel presented Eng. Daniel Trankov.
Within the framework of the conference, the students from the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies at Varna Free University produced a mock-up of the monument of the Bulgarian-Soviet friendship under the leadership of Arch. Peter Stefanov. "The aim of the workshop is for the students to make a mock-up of the building, which has extremely rich functionality, but unfortunately remains hidden for the citizens. We want the young people to be ready for the next stage - discussing the adaptation and socialization of the Monument. Buildings which are not lived in decay quickly, even those made entirely of concrete", added he.

Partners of the 9th International Scientific Conference on Architecture and Construction ArCivE '2019 are the following companies:
✅ Röfix
✅ Vidima Ideal Standard
✅ Knauf
✅ Top Group plus
✅ Geberit