International business, the relationship between the various departments of the company, teamwork, innovative and strategic thinking, the use of external consultants, experts, intermediaries for business projects, investment decisions to enter new markets, the company's vision, brand recognition, dealing with competition in the domestic and international market were some of the topics that students in the master's degree programmes in
Financial and Banking Management and Marketing ,
Tax and Customs Control and
Customs Intelligence and Investigation discussed with the practising expert Denitsa Hristova. She has over 15 years of experience in international and Bulgarian companies, in which she has held positions in the sales departments, in Sales, Logistics and others. Her bachelor's and master's degrees have been received in the fields of economics, international business and logistics.
During the training, the students were interested in the employment prospects in foreign companies, as well as the knowledge, skills and competencies that experts need to have. The masters united around the understanding that for building a successful career it is necessary to constantly upgrade knowledge given the constantly changing global business environment.
The head of the master's degree programme in Financial and Banking Management and Marketing, Assoc. Prof. Virginia Ivanova, PhD said that students from various master's degree programmes are satisfied with the clear adaptation of the theory in practical cases, projects, activities and more. The expert Denitsa Hristova congratulated the students with their choice of master's degree programmes and shared that they have a wide range for career prospects in various departments of companies, banks and other institutions in the country and abroad.