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08 October 2019

A new Master's Degree Programme in Applied Psychology, focused on organizational diagnostics and organizational consulting, launches Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar" this academic year. The program is aimed at bachelors and masters in psychology, as well as graduates from other professional fields.
The two-semester course focuses entirely on practice and complies with the requirements of the European Federation of Psychological Associations for the preparation of psychologists for independent practice and the European Qualifications Framework.
The programme aims to prepare specialists who carry out research on the organizational environment, give forecasts and expert assessments for possible directions of change and development of management. The course includes training in various aspects of organizational functioning - selection, training and development of employees, team building and resolution of conflicts, organizational culture, opportunities and approaches for consulting in an organizational environment, diagnosis of various aspects of workplace behavior, issues related to employee stress, its diagnosis, and options for managing it are also included. The future experts will be trained to make and develop leaders. Communication in the organization will be discussed. The problems of the behavioral economy, labor and social security law are represented.

In addition to the theoretical knowledge in organizational psychology, case studies will be discussed; training and research projects will be developed in the classroom. There will be a 4-week practical internship during which the parameters of the organization's functioning will be studied on assignment. Students will present their findings and analysis to a commission formed of lecturers and experts from practice. The master degree students will also work on an independent research project (Master's thesis), which is an empirical study of problems of organizational functioning. The topic will be developed under the guidance of a university professor.
The experts in the programme are the renowned scientists in the field of psychology - Prof. D. Sc. Valery Stoyanov and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Peter Neshev.
Graduates of the master's degree programme can be employed as organizational psychologists, associates in human resources departments, experts in consulting companies for organizational development and selection of personnel, experts in recruitment offices, and experts in public administration, in career centers and in career guidance centers, as well as in occupational health services.
Experts may continue their education in the professional and scientific degree "doctor" in a professional field 3.2. Psychology. 
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For questions and comments:
Prof. D. Sc. Valery Stoyanov