Prominent lecturers from VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" will take part in the First International Online Forum "Digitalization and Innovation in Education and Science", organized by the Municipality of Varna. The event will take place from 8 to 10 June 2021. A special welcome to the participants and guests of the forum will be extended by the President of Varna Free University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Krassimir Nedyalkov.

The Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Rositsa Petkova-Slipets, will present the partnership as an approach in higher education (realization for architects, engineers, designers and choreographers). Assoc. Prof. Slipets is a specialist in the field of Science of Building Materials, testing and research of building materials with more than 20 years of experience in research and teaching. She works on national and international projects.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Galina Momcheva - Head of the Department of Informatics, is a panelist in two of the sessions - for universities and schools. She will present the topics "Innovative artificial intelligence - related careers in biomedicine and healthcare. Modernization in the creation of master's degree programmes".
In the panel dedicated to the secondary education, Assoc. Prof. Momcheva will present the innovative STEAM initiatives and practices developed by the university. The head of the Department of Informatics has scientific interests in the field of programming and algorithms, knowledge extraction from data, machine self-learning, UI-UX, computer vision, STEM. She is the co-founder and co-manager of the interdisciplinary and interuniversity research and entrepreneurial ecosystem BioMed-Varna (2019).

Assist. Prof. Antonina Ivanova will present the topic "Results, role and impact of the course DIGITAL TRANSFORMATIONS". She is a member of the team of the subject "Digital Transformations". Her research interests are in the field of business process automation, social network analysis, interdisciplinary research, etc.
During the First International Online Forum "Digitalization and Innovation in Education and Science" participants will exchange experience on topics related to the higher education: "Innovative techniques in information technology education. Digital organization of the learning process "," Innovative models for partnership and education "," Modernization of higher education "; the school education: "Challenges in the management and control of the processes in the educational institution in a digital environment", "Training in STEM/STE(A)M environment", "Digitalization and challenges for vocational education"; preschool education: “Organization of STEM education in preschool age - methods, tools, results. Innovations ”,“ Place of distance learning in preschool age. Forms and methods of work. Cooperation with parents "," Digitalization of management processes in kindergarten. Practices.
The first international online forum "Digitalization and innovation in education and science" is part of the strategy for the development of Varna as a city of knowledge, a desirable place for career and professional development. It aims at sharing different points of view and innovative educational practices in different levels of education. Guests from Geneva, St. Petersburg, Brussels, Terni, Parnu, Czestochowa, as well as from Varna, Sofia, Plovdiv, Kardzhali, Shumen, Stara Zagora, Ruse, Gabrovo, Dryanovo, Vratsa, etc. have already confirmed their participation.
You can register on the Forum page