Dr. Robert Chulda from the University of Lodz, Poland was a guest of the students majoring in National Security Protection and Counteraction to Crime and Public Order Protection who study at the Department of Security and Safety at the Faculty of Law of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar". He is visiting Varna Free University as part of the Erasmus + mobility programme.
Robert Chulda is a PhD in International Relations and Political Science at the prominent Polish university. Since 2018, he has been working for the Atlantic Council in Washington, DC, USA, as a freelance consultant on issues related to Iran and the Middle East. In the period 2010 - 2019 he taught courses and had workshops in the United States, the Czech Republic, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iran and other countries on issues of international and regional security. He does research for international organizations, research institutions, NGOs and government agencies in Taiwan, Japan, Great Britain, the United States and Poland. He has won a number of international awards for his research and scientific achievements in the field of international security, the quality of his research and his teaching.
In front of the students from VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" the guest lecturer presented extremely interesting and current topics related to current challenges to security (non-military threats) and psychological warfare.
The first topic covered issues related to some current threats/challenges that are not considered conventional problems ("hard security"). The evolution of Post-cold War threats was traced and issues related to resource rivalry (drinking water shortages), international migration, climate change / global warming and its links to security and stability in the world, cybersecurity, etc. were discussed.
The second topic was based on the course entitled Media in Times of Crisis, which showed the way media can be used in psychological operations or cognitive warfare. Contemporary examples of "soft war" aiming at discredited the enemy without firing a single shot were commented on.