The future of the country is in the hands of the young, enterprising Bulgarians. Thousands of students graduate from universities every year, and yet companies are exhausted in their search for quality staff. The shortage of specialists in our country leads to the gradual elimination of Bulgaria from the competition for new investments on the world market. With the idea to help the local business in the search for qualified employees and to assist in developing a close relationship between schools and entrepreneurs, the Portal of Bulgarian Municipalities KMETA.bg organizes a national campaign "My profession - my future". With the large-scale initiative KMETA.bg will support the development of the Bulgarian business and will give a shoulder to the talented young specialists to be found by the most suitable employer for them.
The initiative started on May 11, 2020 in partnership with 29 established Bulgarian universities, 9 large companies, and the patron is the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.
From May 11 to June 14, 2020, all interested students can send their application by registering and submitting their innovative project on a selected topic on a specially created platform.
Each participant can send up to 1 /one/ project on a specific topic/area, according to the list attached to these rules, in a selected professional field, and it must be explicitly indicated for which company the project was developed.
A competent jury, represented by the companies - partners of the initiative, will decide on the awarded participants in the national campaign. Each of the represented companies has the right to choose only one winner on the topic, which they announced, who will receive a cash prize of 2000 /two thousand/ BGN, as well as a career opportunity in the company (at the discretion of the company).
The future loves the brave: Provoke it with your idea for a new generation digital banking product
Pay by Vivacom – preparing a communication strategy on how to promote the application among university students and use it in their daily lives
Aurubis Bulgaria
Low carbon energy for energy intensive production. Suggest opportunities.
(More information on the topic - read HERE)
Nova Broudcasting Group
Overall strategy for development and promotion of the largest socially responsible initiative of Nova Broadcasting Group - "THE CHANGE".
Philip Morris Bulgaria
Overall strategy for development and promotion of the largest socially responsible initiative of Nova Broadcasting Group - "THE CHANGE".
Strategy for conducting an information campaign to reduce pollution with cigarette filters in the environment and a concept for its implementation through public-private partnerships with municipalities in Bulgaria.
(More information on the topic– read HERE)
GP Group
Construction in the 21st century - the infrastructural future of Bulgaria. The pros and cons of highway construction.
Innovative techniques and tools for communicating local policies: Together we upgrade the platform TheMayor.EU.
The future of automated air traffic control systems. Application of artificial intelligence. Opportunities for remote work of Air Traffic Controllers outside the air traffic service centers.
Risk Electronics
Workplace digitalisation: How can different sectors of the economy implement new technologies - fully or partially? Where there is a possibility for remote work through platforms, office in the cloud, automation, use of AI, etc.? In which sectors will it be necessary to completely change the business model in order to adapt to the digital reality?
Each candidate uploads their project on a specially designed platform HERE, https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Q7xuM_9GdIItGthnj8ZFNP0p4C7Opb3sK3Ndo8PpXNQ/viewform?ts=5e970859&edit_requested=true&pli=1 and has to fill in all the fields, to attach their project, the necessary declarations, as well as to agree with the General Terms and Conditions of the campaign "My profession - my future".
Each company, a partner of the initiative, has access only to the projects addressed to it.
Students from other universities can also apply for the campaign under the general conditions of "My profession - my future".
Of the campaign
I. Campaign status:
Organizer: Brand Media Bulgaria Ltd, publisher of KMETA.bg newspaper and the Portal of Bulgarian Municipalities www.kmeta.bg
II. General conditions of the campaign:
- The campaign has a competitive nature and is aimed at active students studying in higher education institutions in Bulgaria. The aim is to stimulate the creative potential and expression of future young professionals on specific professional topics, which will allow them to demonstrate creativity, individuality and original innovative ideas.
- The winners or the most prominent participants will be given the opportunity for career development in some of the most successful companies on the Bulgarian market - partners of the initiative. Each company - partner of the initiative, decides individually whether to provide an opportunity for internship and career development.
IV. Rules for participation:
- Students over the age of 18 with active student rights are eligible to participate.
- Participation in the competition is individual and voluntary. Each participant can send up to 1 /one/ project on a specific topic/area, according to the list attached to these rules, in a selected professional field, and it must be explicitly indicated for which company the project is developed.
- Each candidate can participate with more than one project, but only if they are on different topics/areas. The form of the project/work can be in writing, video presentation, application or in another appropriate way to allow its presentation.
- By taking part in this competition, the participants /candidates/ agree that their names, project names and/or abstracts, addresses, photos or other personal data could become public and be used in printed works, videos and/or other information and media materials from the organizer and/or the company indicated in the application by the candidate, for which the latter do not owe payment and/or remuneration to the candidate for this use, both for the purposes of the competition and for their disclosure in information materials and/or in other public activities aimed at career development and the status of young professionals in the country, without the need for the consent of the applicants, developers of the projects.
- The organizer and/or the companies indicated in the applications by the candidates have the right to unilaterally change or supplement these rules, as the changes come into force from the moment of their publication on the page of the portal of the Bulgarian municipalities www.kmeta.bg.
- The organizer of the campaign and/or the companies indicated in the applications by the candidates have the right to terminate the competition in case of violation or abuse of the rules, as well as in case of extraordinary or unforeseen circumstances. The organizer and/or the companies indicated in the applications by the applicants are not liable for damages in case of possible termination of the campaign.
- The participants shall submit their projects with an accompanying application, in which they shall indicate and attach:
- The names of the candidate and their age;
- Name of the university where the candidate/author is studying;
- Title of the project with correctly written topic/area in which the project is developed, according to the attached list, as well as the name of the company for which the applicant submits his project;
- Contact details of the candidate - e-mail and phone number;
- Declaration accompanying each project, declaring that they accept the rules for participation in the competition, that they participate in the competition with one project on a given topic/area /, and that the submitted project/s, its elements/parts, annexes, etc. are the result only of their personal creativity and there are no copyright or other claims of third parties to it; (Download the declaration HERE)
- Consent to these General Terms and Conditions through the Participation Platform;
- Declaration - consent for voluntary provision of personal data, in accordance with applicable national and European legislation. (Download the declaration HERE).
8. By submitting the project, the participants declare that they have developed the project for their participation in the competition, that the project has not been prepared on the basis of an order from third parties, and that it has not been prepared in fulfillment of the candidate's duties and is intended for possible use by the company named in the application.
9. The organizer of the campaign and/or the company indicated in the application by the winning candidate has the right to use the work of the candidate and/or the awarded project, in full and/or in its separate parts, until the expiration of the term of protection without permission of the author and without paying additional remuneration, both for the needs for which it was ordered and in any other way, for example by including it in applications for registration of designs, utility models or in other works and objects of intellectual property and they can also change it.
10. By adopting these rules, the author transfers to the organizer of the campaign and/or the company indicated in the application by the winning candidate, the following non-material copyrights:
10. 1. the right to decide whether the work developed by him/her can be disclosed and to determine the time, place and the manner in which this shall be done;
10. 2. the right to demand preservation of the integrity of the work and to oppose any changes in it, as well as any other action that could violate his/her legitimate interests or his/her personal dignity;
10. 3. the right to change his/her work;
10. 4. the right of access to the original of the work; and
10. 5. the right to stop the use of the work due to changes in their beliefs.
11. The applications are submitted through an application form, available through the Portal of the Bulgarian municipalities www.kmeta.bg in the period 11 May - 14 June 2020. For additional questions, the candidates can contact the organizer at my_job @ kmeta. bg.
V. Stages of the campaign:
May 2020: Announcement of the initiative on www.kmeta.bg and in the information channels of the universities - partners of the campaign, as well as through the media partners of the campaign - FOCUS News Agency, the economic portal Economic.bg, etc.
May 11 - June 14, 2020: A period for collecting student applications on the relevant topics set by the campaign partners
June 15 - 30, 2020: Evaluation of projects by a jury composed of representatives of the sponsors
July 2020: Presentation of the campaign winners and their winning projects at an official ceremony in Sofia.
VI. Awards:
A competent jury, represented by the companies - partners of the initiative, will decide on the awarded participants in the national campaign. Each of the represented companies has the right to choose only one winner on the topic they have assigned /announced/, who will receive a cash prize of 2000 /two thousand/ BGN, as well as a career opportunity in the company (at the discretion of the company ). The decisions of the jury are taken by a simple majority.
- By participating in this competition, the companies - partners of the initiative and the organizer of the campaign, guarantors and/or assignors of the topics/areas / attached to these rules, agree and declare that in case there is interest from any of companies in a project, which has not won a prize in the competition, is not allowed to use it for commercial purposes without the explicit consent of the author/candidate. By participating in this competition and/or by adopting these rules, the companies - partners of the initiative and the organizer of the competition, fully release the latter from liability for any claims by the candidates in the campaign, including claims for copyright infringement, abuses with unauthorized use of the projects of the candidates as a whole and/or in their separate parts, etc. (Download the declaration HERE)
VII. Other terms:
- The organizer may change the terms of the regulation in case of extreme or compelling circumstances that do not allow the normal course of the campaign.
- The organizer of the campaign and/or the companies indicated in the applications by the candidates reserve the right to use the participating projects name, summary, topic, ideas, etc./ both for the purposes of the campaign and for other, subsequent information materials and/or other public activities aimed at career development and the status of young professionals in the country, without the explicit consent of the candidate - developer of the project and without time limit.
- All applicants who take part in the campaign agree and declare that they do not and will not make any claims to the campaign organizer and/or to the companies mentioned in the applicants' applications, neither material nor non-material, regarding the use of the projects developed and/or sent during the campaign - both in individual parts of the projects and in their entirety.
- All candidates who take part in the competition with projects on pre-set topics do so voluntarily and agree with the campaign terms.