The certification session for students of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar", fluent in a foreign language - English or Russian, will be held on-line on February 26, 2021.
All students from the university who use these languages and want to have a university certificate can apply. The ones who pass the exam are awarded a certificate in a foreign language according to the European Language Framework.
Candidates can apply for the certificate session by filling in an application by February 17, 2021 at:
https://www.vfu.bg/учебни-звена/депаратмент-за-чуждоезиково-обучение-и-следипломна- qualification.html,
under the heading "Electronic forms and applications" entitled "Application for certification of knowledge of a foreign language".
Until this date, a fee of BGN 100 must be paid for sitting the certificate examination on the account of the University:
CB Municipal Bank AD
IBAN code: BG40SOMB91301016075801 - in BGN, basis for payment: Certificate exam for level of proficiency in a foreign language.
For additional information: