"The students who graduate from the Faculty of Architecture of Varna Free University clearly show that they have the ambition and heart to take care of the cultural heritage of our country. I am happy with the quality of their preparation, their heartfeltness in the development of the projects, the in-depth analysis and the use of modern solutions in compliance with the latest trends in architecture," said Varna's chief architect Victor Buzev, who was part of the state examination committee, assessing the diploma projects of the students of the master’s degree programme in Preservation of Cultural Heritage of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar".
ТThree diploma developments for the preservation of the immovable cultural heritage were presented to the examination jury - a project for the restoration of the church "Holy Ascension of the Lord" in the village of Cherkovna near Varna, the adaptation and of the old Turkish shops on Danube Street in Varna and its transformation into a free art space and adaptation and conversion of Sabetay Beniesh’s lucrative building in the centre of Ruse. All three tasks were assigned to the graduating students by the Department of Architecture and Urbanism and were implemented under the scientific supervision of Assoc. Prof. Krasimira Vacheva, PhD and Asst. Prof. Arch. Zhechka Ilieva, PhD. The students - Arch. Radostina Mihaleva, Arch. Vasilena Kurteva and Eng. Evgeniy Karamashev received excellent marks.

Chairperson of the examining committee was Corr. Mem. Prof. Arch. Atanas Kovachev, D.Sc. - Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar", Arch. Vladimir Rachev - Director of the Regional Inspectorate for Preservation of Cultural Heritage for the North-East Region at the Ministry of Culture, Assoc. Prof. Arch. Krasimira Vacheva, PhD and Assoc. Prof. Eng. Daria Mihaleva, PhD.
Arch. Buzhev wished luck to the master’s degree programme in Preservation of Architectural Heritage at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar", as well as to continue the successful partnership with the Municipality of Varna. "Our programme is ambitious and we can only cope with the challenge of preserving cultural heritage by teamwork," he added.

Varna Free University is working on a form of cooperation "Update of the List of Buildings - Immovable Cultural Heritage in Varna"on a long-term project, which will be carried out by the students and lecturers of the major of Architecture and the master’s degree programme in Preservation of Cultural Heritage at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar". Exploratory work on the updating of the National Register of Immovable Cultural Heritage is envisaged - search, study and preparation of final assessment and conservation regimes. The project is being developed jointly with the Municipality of Varna and the National Institute for Immovable Cultural Heritage.