The honorary director of the European Commission Directorate-General for the Environment George Kremlis, the Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Environment and Water Ms Ivelina Vasileva, the professor at Athens Technical University Prof. Maria Loizidou, the Executive Director of TEXAN Recycling Centers, Athens Dr
Panagiotis Mourgos and the investment consultant Alkis Stavridis will arrive for the start of the training in the only one in the country master programme in Circular Economy on 1 December at Varna Free University. The official start of the training will be given at
10:00 am on 1 December in the Training and Sports Complex of Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar". Within the framework of the event, the student booklets of the 30 master students of the first class of the master programme will be officially handed out.
Media briefing with the participation of the foreign lecturers is scheduled for 11:00 am.
The training will continue at 12:30 with the lectures of the honorary Director of the Environment Directorate of the European Commission, George Kremlis, on the topics of Challenges to Europe Today and Circular Economy.
At 3:20 pm, the Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Environment and Water, Ms Ivelina Vasileva, will present The Waste Legislation Framework.
The day will end with a lecture by the financial consultant Alkis Stavridis on Financial Models in Circular Economics at 4:30 pm.

The topics are part of the lecture course of the only master programme in Bulgaria, which is implemented with the support of the Environment Directorate General of the European Commission, the Ministry of Environment and Water and the Parliamentary Committee on Environment and Water. It integrates in complex, specialized and innovative training the current problems of environmental protection and waste management in accordance with the international, European and national criteria and requirements.
The programme offers opportunities for training in the field of eco-innovation and prepares for the new professions in the context of the transformation from linear to circular economy. The curriculum of the specialty includes fundamental and specialized courses which develop the knowledge and skills of the students in the field of ecology and sustainable development, circular economy and project management.
On the second day of the training, students will meet with the professor at the Technical University of Athens, Maria Louizidou, who will comment on the new technologies in waste management and the CEO of TEXAN Recycling Centers Dr. Panagiotis Mourgos, who will present Athens' new technologies for separate collection and recycling of waste.
The lectures scheduled for the first two days of the training will be public for all interested in circular economy.
A month earlier, the programme started at the Smolyan branch of Varna Free University, where 35 students - mayors of municipalities, representatives of municipal administrations and businesses were trained.
"This is a pioneering master programme. The first one launched by an European university. It will provide you with knolwdege about the economic, social, legal and technical parameters of circular economy. This is a priority of the European Union. This is a new economic model that is backed by the European funds in the current programming period and will again be a key priority for the next period - from 2021 to 2027. More and more European resources are to be allocated to the application of the standards in the field of circular economy . In this way, many new eco-innovation jobs will be created - in the public sector, local administrations and the private sector; there will be opportunities for the development of new businesses," said George Kremlis, under whose patronage the programme is implemented.
а икономика. По този начин ще бъдат създадени много нови работни места в областта на еко иновациите – в публичния сектор, местните администрации и частния сектор, ще има възможност за развитието на нови бизнеси“, категоричен е Джордж Кремлис, под чийто патронаж се реализира програмата.