The discussion of the monograph of Prof. D. Sc. Yonko Kunchev - Dean of the Faculty of Law at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar", on the topic "Methods of Proof in the Criminal Process" (volume one), provoked the interest of prominent specialists in criminal process, criminology, criminal law, as well as representatives from the practice, lecturers, PhD and university students from Varna Free University. The event was attended by the academic management of the university, as well as part of the team of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar", which just a few days ago won first place in the national competition in administrative and legal sciences, organized by the Supreme Administrative Court, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski and NBU.
The discussion filled our university with content, and the result of the discussion stimulated not only the author, but above all the participants, commented Prof. D. Sc. Lazar Gruev - lecturer at the Faculty of Law at Varna Free University, constitutional judge in the period 2003 - 2007 and president of the Supreme Court of Cassation in the period 2007 - 2014. After discussions about the controversial practice in the collection and verification of evidence and the concept proposed in the monograph for the optimization of evidentiary activity in the criminal process, the participants united around the opinion that the work has significant contributions and is the first comprehensive study covering all methods of proof. The subject of the monograph is the procedural and forensic aspects of the collection and verification of evidence during inspection (of a crime scene, person, corpse, object), search (of premises, person and other objects), seizure, questioning of witnesses and accused persons, as well as on videoconference interrogation. Many aspects of inconsistency between the normative evidence and procedural law and the actual application of the methods of proof have been analyzed. The procedural norms regarding the evidence and means of proof are subjected to a critical analysis, and ideas for improving the criminal and procedural evidentiary law are proposed.