As part of the event, the university will open the visiting exposition New Enlighteners; lectures of world-renowned scientists will be delivered, professional opportunities for young people will be discussed

The national competition for school and university students and students for data and knowledge mining "QUERYADA" will be held at Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar" on 9 and 10 November 2019. The initiator and organizer of the event for the fifth consecutive year is the Department of Informatics of the university. The competition (in-person and online) will involve the teams of Varna Free University, Varna University of Economics, Gabrovo Technical University, Mining and Geology University, Angel Kanchev University of Ruse, the Mathematical Secondary School and Kliment Ohridski Secondary School in the seaside capital. Foreign participants will join online.
In competition days, participants will work on database modeling tasks for a given business case, write SQL queries, retrieve data from one or more linked tables, and investigate database vulnerabilities on the web.
The teams will also work on a research task related to identifying dependencies and anomalies in data on a problem chosen by them. Numerical data, images, video and sound can be processed.
Extremely interesting and rich is the accompanying programme of QUERYADA.
On 9 November, at 1:30 pm, a discussion on Micro IT Jobs or how secondary school and university students can work part-time begins at the university's Educational and Sports Complex. Panel moderator is Assoc. Prof. Galina Momcheva, PhD. At 2:15 pm on the same day, begins the lecture entitled Smart Cities - Realities, Perspectives, Forecasts, which will be presented by the world famous Swiss expert in the field of information technologies and software architectures Dr. Alexander Samarin. He will present the role of BIG Data for smart cities.
On 10 November at 1:00 pm, the workshop on the social responsibility of IT experts will be begins. It is held under the
Web Content Accessibility Training - AWCAT“ №2017-1-PL01-KA203-038820 under Erasmus +, KD 2 strategic partnerships of the EU. The project has developed an innovative student education programme related to accessibility of websites for people with disabilities. The moderator on the topic will be Prof. Theodora Bakardzhieva, PhD.
Of special interest is the opening of the visiting interactive exposition New Enlighteners, which includes non-standard scientific visualizations and ideas developed in partnership between the Research Institute of the Medical University of Varna and lecturers and students majoring in the professional fields of computer science, architecture, arts of VFU “Chernorizets Hrabar”. The exposition was opened for the first time on the eve of the Day of the National Enlighteners in Varna. At VFU, the exhibition will be in the main foyer of the university, after which it will be exhibited at the Medical University.