The November thematic seminars, part of the permanent The Art of Communication forum, organised by the Master's programme in Advertising and Public Relations in Business Management at the Faculty of International Economics and Administration at Varna Free university finished with the attendance of students from various majors who showed a great interest in the event. One of the leading lecturers in branding, image building, public relations and advertising met with the course participants.
At the beginning of November, a course in Building and Managing Personal and Corporate Image was held, led by Prof. Milko Petrov, D.Sc. Main highlights of the course were the characteristics of personal and corporate image; the techniques for building and correcting an image; neutralization of compromising materials; analysis of the functioning of the most popular personal, political and corporate images in a digital environment.
The master class of Prof. Stefan Serezliev, PhD was dedicated to the brand and branding management. He touched on the relationship between emotional branding and post-truth; modern PR: communication marketing communications - the new old jumping-off place of the brand.
Prof. Hristo Kaftandzhiev, D.Sc. presented to the attendees the topic related to digital advertising and digital marketing communications. He also conducted practical training related to the main characteristics of digital marketing communications; building strategies for digital marketing communications in business through traditional media and social networks. Various integrations of digital marketing communications and digital marketing transmedia were presented.
On 26 and 27 November 2022, a course in Public Relations and Impact of Social Communities was held by Assoc. Prof. Georgi Kalaglarski, PhD. He presented the new specific characteristics of public relations in business, in political communication, in government structures, in non-governmental organizations; building and managing trust in individuals and organizations; manipulation of public opinion; directing the public scandal and neutralizing the consequences.

The permanent The Art of Communication forum will conclude its 2022 edition on 4 December with a seminar in Public Speaking with a practical part and the active participation of students who attended the courses.