The corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Prof. Alexey Anatolievich Gromiko, D.Sc. will hold a lecture course and master class at Varna Free University from 21 to 23 November 2018. The lecture course on International Relations and Security includes a series of lectures on the topics of
Russia, EU and Turkey in the Black Sea Region;
Russia and NATO;
Brexit and the Future of the EU;
Intercivilizational Problems of the European Integration;
Threats, Challenges, Architecture of the European Security in the Context of Russian-American Relations.
A public lecture by Prof. Alexei Gromiko on "The Political Transformation of the Euro-Atlantic Area" will be held in
Aula Maxima on 23 November (Friday) at 13:30. Immediately before the lecture, the Russian scientist will be conferred the title Honorary Professor of Varna Free University for his contribution in strengthening and developing fruitful cooperation between VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" and the
Russkiy Mir Foundation and his significant scientific achievements in the research of the political systems and international security.
Alexey Anatolievich, born in 1969, is grandson of the longest-serving foreign minister of the former USSR, Andrei Gromiko. He graduated with honors from the historical faculty of Moscow State University "M.V. Lomonosov". In 1997, he defended his dissertation thesis on
The Political Reformism in the UK and in 2005 he became PhD in Political Science with his dissertation thesis on Modernizing the Party Political System of Great Britain. He is currently the Director of the Institute of Europe at the Russian Academy of Sciences and Head of the Centre for European Programmes of the
Russkiy Mir Foundation. President of the European Studies Association of Russia. In 2012, he was conferred the title Honorary Member of the Academic Forum of Varna Free University.
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