All students, doctoral students and graduates from VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" who are full-time, part-time or a distance learning mode of training, can have food subsidies. For 2022, the state subsidy for one meal in a student canteen is BGN 3.60 and is used for two meals - BGN 1.90 each - lunch and dinner. Students can eat in all student canteens in the country.
From April 26, 2022 the administrative secretaries of the faculties at Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar" will give their students personal stickers.
From May 1, 2022, only students, doctoral students and graduate students who have a personal sticker will be able to eat in the student canteens.
The state food subsidy is included in the amendment to the Ordinance on the use of student dormitories and canteens from March 5, 2021, according to which all students, doctoral students and graduates, regardless of whether they study in public or private university, have the right to use a state subsidy to reduce the cost of student canteen meals. State subsidy in student canteens is determined annually by a decree of the Council of Ministers for the implementation of the state budget of the Republic of Bulgaria for the current year.