On the eve of the Christmas and New Year holidays, the Russian Centre of the VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" hosted the traditional Christmas tree, which included fourth-graders studying Russian at "Naiden Gerov" Secondary School in Varna, led by their teacher Natalia Anastasova.
In the form of a quiz game, the children were introduced to the traditions and customs associated with New Year's Eve in Russia. The students answered in Russian the questions from the fun test, specially prepared for them by university lecturers. The guests from "Nayden Gerov" Primary School learned a new Russian
New Year's song and watched children's films.
Prof. Galina Shamonina, PhD - Head of the Russian Centre at the University, told the students about the intriguing history of the Russian tea and showed how to prepare it in a true Tula samovar. Following traditional Russian hospitality, the guests tasted traditional gingerbread, chocolates and sweets. Everyone also received Christmas presents.
The children had prepared a special handmade ornament that they placed on the tree.
In the week before the Christmas holidays, the Russian Centre receives lecturers and students for tea and popular Russian films. The specific holiday traditions, customs and the family preparation for them are discussed in the conversations held in Russian.