The world-famous musician, composer and ambassador of Bulgarian culture and art around the world Teodosiy Spasov was awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa at Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar".

At the solemn ceremony, the President of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" Assoc. Prof. Dr. Krassimir Nedyalkov presented the artist with a diploma, a medal of honour and a memoria.
The Rector - Prof. Dr. Petar Hristov pointed out In his address, that 2021 occupies a special place in the history of Varna Free University, because it is 30 years since it was founded. The first private university in Bulgaria has become an established academic center that prepares knowledgeable, capable and demanding young people for successful implementation in areas that are a priority for our country. Despite the pandemic situation the trend of increasing the number of students continues. We start the new academic year with a lot of projects we won, among which the project for the modernization of higher education is especially important. "We are proud that in these festive days our guest will be an exceptional Bulgarian person - Teodosiy Spasov, whose unique style carries the talent of Orpheus and the spirit of the Renaissance. His virtuoso music is listened on all continents. The Academic Council awarded him the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of Varna Free University for his services to the development of science and higher education," said Prof. Hristov.
"This day is an integration to the spirit, which excites me greatly and makes me empathize with your ideas and emotions," said Teodosiy Spasov in his address to the academic community of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar". "The new times have taught us a lesson - to feel through the eyes, to learn to talk and to penetrate the soul of the other through the eyes. I remember the look of my parents, of my teachers, who wanted to give me everything that would be left after them and I would carry it in time. As I climbed the ladder of life, I realized that my calling was to carry the knowledge, the spirit, the personal example of my parents, teachers and friends. In this way I spread my talent and give to my contemporaries the desire to develop and improve themselves ", said Teodosiy Spasov to the audience.
In the presence of the Deputy Mayor of Varna Kosta Bazitov, the rectors of the Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy Flotilla admiral Prof. Boyan Mednikarov and the Medical University-Varna Prof. Dr. Valentin Ignatov, the Director of the Directorate “Culture and Spiritual Development ” in the Municipality of Varna Antonia Yovcheva, Rumyana Petrova - Director of the National School of Arts in Varna, many teachers and students, Teodosiy Spasov presented a unique virtuoso improvisation of a kaval (shepherd's pipe).
The nomination for the honorary title was made by the Department of Arts at the Faculty of Architecture, whose dean Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Rositsa Petkova-Slipets presented the rich creative biography of Teodosiy Spasov and thanked him for his support and inspiration in the difficult pandemic 2020 shown to the students and faculty at the university with speech and music, defining him a leader of the new time.
Teodosiy Spasov put his signature on a clay tile, which became part of the university exhibition "Our Spiritual Companions" and said that he was currently working on arranging the music he composed together with Hristiyan Tsvyatkov in Antarctica. "The ice continent is a harsh place. It is not the most suitable for making music, but even there we were inspired to create once and for all 12 compositions, which will be released on CD by the end of the year," said TeodosiySpasov and thanked for his joining to the academic family of Varna Free University.