400 choreographers spread the fame of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" in our country and around the world
DANIELA FARHI, Trud newspaper
In the age of technology and artificial intelligence, communication with computers is increasingly displacing social contacts. The trend is reported by experts from around the world. And in our country an example of creating a balance between new and traditional humanitarian knowledge is Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar", which this year celebrates 30 years since its founding.

The university offers boutique specialties in the field of music and dance -
Choreography and
Visual Arts - Fashion Design, whose mission is not only to prepare successful specialists, but also to build personalities. "They are the pearl in the crown of the university. One of the shortcomings of higher education today is spiritual impoverishment. Without contradicting modern trends, we have accepted the mission to preserve the human in people despite the machines," explains Prof. Anna Nedyalkova, D.Sc., Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar".
It was her idea to create the specialty
Choreography 25 years ago, which is now one of the brightest pearls. "I had a great chance to know prominent Varna artists such as Petar Angelov, Milko Kolarov, Vlado Ivanov, Rosen Radoev, Milko Bozhkov. I wanted them to be part of the work of the university and they accepted," recalls Prof. Nedyalkova. The pioneers attract their colleagues from the country, such as the classicists Prof. Petar Lukanov, Acad. Nikolay Kaufman, Assoc. Prof. Petar Grigorov and others. The training started on 18 November 1995." On that day, 23 smiling young people stood in front of the luminaries Prof. Lukanov, Prof. Angelov and Acad. Kaufman. The admission to this day is by casting, even if the candidates have graduated from specialised schools," said the graduate of the first class of choreographers at VFU, current lecturer and scientific secretary of the Department of Arts, Assoc. Prof. Maria Kardzhieva, PhD.
Nearly 400 students graduated in
Bulgarian Folk Choreography and
Contemporary Dance Theatre opened 10 years later. They spread the fame of VFU in our country and around the world. Among them are the heads of the Dobrudzha ensemble, Miracle children's ensembles s - Pazardzhik, and Severnyache - Popovo, several ensembles in the capital and many more throughout the country. Many pass on what they have learned to children's schools and art schools. The "star" team includes Walt Disney employee Boyan Belokapov, Radoslav Ivanov, in whose school in Berlin Bulgarian round dances are danced by 200 people, the singer Nikolina Chakardakova. After the opening of the Smolyan branch of VFU, the Rhodope folklore magic naturally merged with that of the Northeast.
The audience is in contact with it through the pride of the university - the Academic Dance Theatre. It was established in 2008 on the basis of the existing Academica student folklore ensemble. In its 10-year history shines the joint production with the Varna ensemble - "You Lovely Red Wine" with choreography and direction by Peter Angelov and music by Nikolay Kaufman. The first of its kind in our country musical-dramatic performance was awarded the national prize Crystal Lyre. This motivates the lecturers and the academic leadership to create the new formation.
Work of the dance theatre is the favourite for the Varna audience concerts for 3 March, performed with the support of the Municipality of Varna. Admission is free for them, and the hall is full hours earlier. "We nurture patriotism. The theme in the script is always strong, beautiful, following the legacy - Bulgaria. And the unique elegant technique of the movements is the handwriting of Prof. Petar Angelov, founder of the Varna folklore school, unmatchable dancer, director and lecturer," said Assoc. Prof. Kardzhieva. Only choreography students participate in the dance theatre, rehearsing for 3 hours 4 times a week. They are currently 10 men and 10 women. But they are not alone on the stage, because in each performance former alumni are included together with their students.
"We do not turn only to the past, but we recognise that folklore has a direct connection with the quality of education. It creates a rich set of soft skills such as teamwork, leadership, responsibility for the collective result of work. Our students choose to study
Choreography because they carry the dance in themselves", Prof. Nedyalkova is convinced. To encourage talent, the academic board has established scholarships that cover 80% of their tuition fees.
In the pandemic, they have once again proven that they can be a factor in preserving people's mental health. Last year, the Academic Dance Theatre's online show brought together more than 10,000 spectators from around the world on the web. Apart from the rehearsals, the students have discovered unknown so far texts of folk songs, dances and customs. Their findings have been published in a collection, and the result of the research is a series of videos about the traditions of the winter holiday cycle, which the young people made on their own initiative.
"Our university is a place where art feels comfortable because it does not profess commercial goals," said Assoc. Prof. Kardzhieva. She reminds that in a crisis, the state must even more actively support culture that is the only one that can cure the victims of social isolation. This is the meaning of the numerous creative forums held annually at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar". The next goal is the project "Academic Memory of Varna", which also includes a virtual museum. It will display the rich wardrobe of stage costumes of the university, part of which are the costumes saved at the closing of the Varna ensemble in 1991.
Students enjoy meetings with great artists
The students of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" have the unique opportunity to communicate with great artists through the initiative "Our Spiritual Companions". Georgi Georgiev-Getz, Vasil Mihailov, Stefan Tsanev, Damyan Damyanov, Stefan Danailov, Haygashot Aghasyan and others were their guests. Among the favourite guests was Valeri Petrov, whose last two poetry collections were funded by VFU.
"Such meetings transform young people. We managed to change their attitude towards the university. Proof of this is the magnificent park made by their design and their works on the walls in the corridors. We work to create strong personalities, but we also have to fight underwater "stones", Prof. Anna Nedyalkova says.
As shortcomings of the system, she cites many examples of discrimination against students in private universities, as well as the retirement of lecturers at the age of 65. "An artist at the age of 40 leaves the stage, but can pass on his experience for many years to come. Stoimen Stoilov, Milko Bozhkov and other authors of immortal works are highly praised around the world. We find and will find formulas to keep them close to the students, but it is not easy ", admits Prof. Nedyalkova.
Trud newspaper