Tsvetan Mitev is the new president of the Student Council of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" for the term of 2021-2022. He was elected in yesterday's elections of the Student Council. Boyan is a 1
st- year student majoring in Architecture. He has finished the Professional Secondary School of Construction, Architecture and Geodesy "Vasil Levski" in Varna, where he was President of the Student Council.
During the meeting Doroteya Nikolaeva - President of the Student Council for the term 2019-2021 presented the activity report for the last two years.
There were two candidates for president of the Student Council - Tsvetan Mitev and Boyan Karliev, a student majoring in Construction of Buildings and Structures. The programme of the candidates aroused great interest and questions from the students, the Student Council announced on its Facebook page.
After the election, Tsvetan Mitev presented his proposals for vice presidents of the Student Council, which will be voted for the next general meeting - they are for: Boyan Karliev, Georgi Georgiev and Yana Stoyanova. The new secretary of the Student Council will be Nikol Mladenova, majoring in Psychology.