Varna Free University is in the TOP 3 of the private universities in Bulgaria, according to the UniRank ranking - the world's leading independent platform for higher education. Rankings are based on valid and unbiased web metrics from independent sources, not based on data provided by universities.
The UniRank ranking takes into account a number of factors, such as accreditation, the availability of bachelor's, master's and doctoral programmes, visibility in the online space, achievements, international prestige and trust in the educational institution. The university is improving its presence in the online space as well - VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" is among the top five Bulgarian universities in terms of the number of followers on YouTube. It is also in the TOP 10 of higher schools in the country in terms of the number of "fans" on the social network Facebook.
The university's audience surpassed 20,000 followers a month ago. Instagram followers are also increasing, as reported by UniRank. The ranking is based on data from September 2023. The daily sharing of information, news, events, stories, reals, photos and videos on the university's channels has significantly increased the total steady audience on social networks, with a constant upward trend. Varna Free University continues its development and expands its influence both in the country and abroad.