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23 August 2019

Teacher training in the new school subject "Computer Modeling", set in the curriculum of 3rd and 4th grades, will be held by Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar" before the start of the new academic year. The training will be led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Galina Momcheva - one of the authors of the Computer Modeling Program and Head of the Department of Informatics at Varna Free University. The course is for teachers of Informatics and Information Technology, in accordance with REGULATION No. 15 from July 22, 2019 on the status and professional development of teachers, headmasters and other pedagogical specialists from the Ministry of Education and Science. The duration of the training is 32 hours and will be held in Varna, Sofia and Smolyan. Upon successful completion of the course, teachers will receive a certificate with 2 qualification credits, access to the resources required in the training process, and certificates of compliance of the course to key and digital competencies.

Starting from this academic year Varna Free University also offers a new opportunity for acquiring a Teacher license in Informatics and IT. Any candidate with a Bachelor's degree other than Computer Science can study simultaneously in one of the Master's degree programmes in Digital Marketing and Web Design, Cyber security (Professional qualification in Informatics and Computer Science) and in the course for acquiring additional professional qualification "Teacher in Informatics and Information Technology". Upon successful graduation, within a year, students will receive Master's degree in Computer Science and a teacher's license.

VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" has a long tradition and experience in training students, teachers and parents. Varna Municipality initiated and supported various projects implemented by the Department of Informatics at the University, namely:
• "STE (A) M - Strategies, Policies, Methods and Practices" in which over 100 school and kindergarten directors were trained.
• The Cyber magicians program, in which 120 5th and 6th school students from Varna from 17 schools learnt how to safely and securely use the digital environment and develop skills in computer science, mathematics (cryptography) and the arts.
• Scratch International Day, featuring over 150 students, teachers and parents.
Throughout the new academic year Varna Free university will continue to work on projects in which students and teachers are trained. There is a successful cooperation between the university and innovative schools in Bulgaria. 

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