Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar" is in the TOP 3 of the private universities in Bulgaria and in the TOP 10 of the higher educational institutions in the country for 2021, according to the ranking of UniRank - the independent global information search engine for higher education. The ranking includes 48 universities in the country and is based on valid, unbiased web indicators provided by independent sources, which include: accreditation assessment of the higher school, bachelor's, master's and doctoral programmes, access to resources, visibility on the Internet, high achievements, trust and authority.
In the popularity ranking in the web space and social networks, VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" holds a second place among the universities in the country on YouTube. The university is also in the top ten on the social network Facebook, where it has over 15,500 friends and followers. ►
UniRank is a leading international higher education portal and search engine, including reviews and rankings of over 13,800 officially recognized universities and colleges in 200 countries. It aims to provide information about which universities are the most popular in different countries or regions. The ranking does not use data provided by universities.
UniRank's data on the leading positions of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" add to the information that on the eve of its 30th anniversary, the university is among the most preferred by students in the country. Innovative programmes aimed at revealing the talent of young people, the flexible and modern educational approach and personality-oriented forms of education attract talented, capable and self-confident students.
VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" is becoming more attractive for the graduates from language high schools, where every fifth first-year-student comes from. The links between education and business attract vocational school students. Every third student has graduated from high school with excellent results. The youngest student at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" is only 16 years old, and the oldest is 63 years old. The university trains a lot of working young people who want to improve their skills or develop professionally.
In the last year, 17 new leading lecturers have been involved in the team of Varna Free University. The reputation of the research activity has increased, the number of reported citations in publications, referenced and indexed in world-famous databases with scientific information has been doubled.
The full ranking of Bulgarian universities can be seen at: