Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar" organizes the educational forum
Positive Education - Concepts, Approaches and Perspectives, which will be held on November 15, 2024 at 10 am. in the concert hall of the Youth Center in Varna. The event takes place with the support of the Regional Department of Education - Varna and the Directorate "Education and Youth Activities" at the Municipality of Varna.
The educational forum is aimed at teachers, school psychologists, representatives of institutions, parents and everyone who is related to the development of a positive environment in education. The event is expected to promote professional cooperation and contribute to the implementation of positive education in schools.

Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar" organizes the educational forum
Positive Education - Concepts, Approaches and Perspectives, which will be held on November 15, 2024 at 10 am. in the concert hall of the Youth Center in Varna. The event takes place with the support of the Regional Department of Education - Varna and the Directorate "Education and Youth Activities" at the Municipality of Varna.
The educational forum is aimed at teachers, school psychologists, representatives of institutions, parents and everyone who is related to the development of a positive environment in education. The event is expected to promote professional cooperation and contribute to the implementation of positive education in schools.
The activities, initiatives and projects of the Center for Positive Education at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar", as well as
the platform created by the university for the exchange of ideas and good practices in the field of positive education will be presented at the forum.
Prof. D. Sc. Rumen Stamatov, head of the Center for Positive Education at Varna Free University, will present the topic "Positive Education at School: Models, Approaches, Programmes". He will share key models and good practices for implementing positive education in the school environment, which aim at creating a supportive and inspiring learning environment for students. Innovative methods will be offered that build motivation for learning and a sense of satisfaction in children, leading to successful personal and professional fulfillment.
Prof. Dr. Todorka Kostadinova from the Medical University - Varna, Director of Accreditation, Quality and Projects, will examine the topic "Mental Health and Well-being - a Mission Possible at Our School". Dr. Irena Radeva, head of the Regional Department of Education in the marine capital, will present the joint activities between the Regional Department of Education - Varna and the Center for Positive Education of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar", aimed at creating a positive and supportive learning environment.
The forum will end with a discussion in which the participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas, experience and recommendations on the topics of positive education and modern teaching methods.
Two years ago, a team from Varna Free University developed the programme for teaching well-being at school - "Happiness at School". It has already been tested in 21 classes at Geo Milev Secondary School Varna with great success.