The Rector of Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar" Prof. Dr. Peter Hristov signed a memorandum of understanding with Tencho Dinev - a Chairperson of the National Chamber "Fire Safety in Construction". Varna Free University is the first higher educational institution in the country, apart from the state higher educational institutions that started courses in “Fire Safety and Protection of the Population”, commented Prof. Peter Hristov. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed in Plovdiv. The academic year was opened at the Dual Training Center, where "Vivat Academia" was sung for 200 students from the Faculty of Architecture and the Department of Construction of Buildings and Facilities at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar".
"The training is delivered in close connection with the construction industry, and Plovdiv is the city with the most intensive construction at the moment. As we meet the interests of education and business, we will try to develop dual training, where part of the learning process goes into real, practical conditions,” added Prof. Hristov.
The Rector presented the achievements of Varna Free University on the project "Digital Education for Economic Growth", which started last year. Emphasis in the presentation was put on the highest mark for institutional accreditation received so far by VFU - 9.21 (according to the ten-point system). The students were particularly interested to learn about the achievements of the team of the Department of Construction of Buildings and Facilities, headed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Milena Kichekova, winner of the prestigious Varna Award for organizing the traditional international competition Varna Spaghetti Engineering. The seventh edition of the competition, which brings together creativity in the construction of spaghetti, will be held from November 15 to 17 this year at Varna Free University.

The Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" Prof. D. Sc. Anna Nedyalkova presented the certificate to the student Blagoy Kuleshev, who is the holder of the annual scholarship of the President of Varna Free University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Krasimir Nedyalkov. Special guests to the event were Angel Papazov - Mayor of Parvomay Municipality, Alexander Radev - Municipal Counselor and graduate of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar", Eng. Svetlana Nikolcheva - Vice-Chairperson of the Chamber of Engineers in Investment Design, Mariana Spasova - Head teacher of the Vocational School of Architecture, Construction and Geodesy "Arch. Kamen Petkov" in Plovdiv, Arch. Nikolay Mihalkov - Head of Water Treatment Plants at Water Supply and Sewerage in Plovdiv, representatives of construction companies - partners of the department.