On September 18, the National Educational Competition Learning the World with GIS was launched. It is held under the patronage of the Ministry of Education and Culture, in partnership with key academic, branch and media organizations. It is part of the events on the occasion of the World Day of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in our country. Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar" is a partner of the event. The competition aims to encourage teachers, school and university students to make wider use of the vast possibilities of web maps and GIS technologies and to show their skills, ideas and projects.
Until October 13, all interested parties can declare their participation in the competition by registering in one of the following 4 categories:
• Teachers
• School students
• Team
• University students.
Using the easy-to-use web GIS platform ArcGIS Online, those who want to get involved can create a map, a digital story in the form of a StoryMap or another GIS project on a topic of interest to them - from education, history and culture, to nature conservation, to lesson resources and other topics of each participant's choice.
Access to ArcGIS Online and its applications for web and mobile maps is available to all Bulgarian schools under the GIS in School programme, as well as universities using the Esri academic programme. All other who wish to take part in the contest can create a free public ArcGIS Account.
The deadline for submitting the finished projects is October 27, 2023 to email: schools@esribulgaria.com.
Many prizes are provided for the winners: cash prize, free GIS training, specialized GIS atlases, books, diplomas, etc.
All created web maps and applications will be included in a virtual exhibition accompanying the conference on the occasion of World GIS Day on November 15, 2023. The largest event in this field in our country has been organized for more than 20 years by Esri Bulgaria in partnership with key organizations from different fields. The winners of the educational competition will be awarded at the annual awards ceremony on the occasion of GIS Day.
Find out more and sign up today on the Learning the World with GIS page.
The competition is organized by Esri Bulgaria with the sponsorship of:
Sofia Voda AD, part of Veolia and Electrohold Bulgaria.

Esri Bulgaria is a leader in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with more than 25 years of experience on the Bulgarian market. Established in 1995, the company is the exclusive representative of Esri for the country. Esri Bulgaria implements strategic GIS projects on a national scale in various spheres of the economy, including cadastre, environment, engineering infrastructure, security, healthcare, agriculture, education, etc. The company is the official organizer of the World GIS Day in the country. ESRI Bulgaria is a partner of the Bulgarian universities and a member of authoritative Bulgarian and international organizations.
Find more information at: http://esribulgaria.com/.