The candidate student campaign at the Faculty of Law of Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar" continues. Students of three specialties major there - Law, National Security and Psychology.
Sustainable Development of Cultural Tourism was the topic of the forum, which was organised by students and lecturers from the master's degree programmes in Cultural Tourism Management and Advertising and Public Relations in Business Management at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar". Around the round table, gathered mayors of municipalities and directors of museums in Shumen region, experts in the tourism business, owners of hotels and guest houses.
More than 60 scientists, lecturers and students from various universities in Ukraine, Croatia and Slovenia are visiting Varna Free University “Chernorizets Hrabar” in Varna. They participate in an international internship entitled Innovations in the Field of Higher and Vocational Education in the Context of Digital Transformation. Lectures, seminars, training sessions are planned within the internship. The event is held for the fifth consecutive year and is in partnership with the E-science Space from Poland and the Centre for Strategic Initiatives and Progressive Development in Ukraine.
111 folklore lovers from all over Bulgaria took part in the dance workshop within the 7 Days of Art and Design, organised by the Department of Arts, which was held at the Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar". The event was led by proven specialists in the field of dance - Assoc. Prof. Katya Kayryakova, PhD and Assoc. Prof. Ivaylo Ivanov, PhD - lecturers at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar", and Mario Egov - director and choreographer of the professional folklore ensemble Strandzha. The participants worthily presented their amateur clubs - Tsvetnitsa - Sofia, Etropolska Kitka - Etropole, Zhaltitsa - Ruse, Paldin - Plovdiv, Plamak - Burgas, folklore studio Pendara - Shumen and others. They improved their dance skills and learned new round dances.
Is it possible that Khan Irnik, mentioned in the Name Book of the Bulgarian Khans, is the son of Attila Ernach? Is it possible that Great Bulgaria was not that of Kubrat, namely Bulgaria of Irnik, which occupied the territories of Moesia and small Scythia (today's Dobrudja)? And is Bulgaria of Isperih the legal successor of the territorial rights under the treaty of 448 between Byzantium and the Hunnic Empire?"
VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" initiated a meeting with the Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria (CAB), with the participation of Prof. Dr. Petar Hristov - Rector of the University, Assoc.
Arch. Lachezar Kostov was born in 1988 in Pleven. At the age of 18 he became a student majoring in Architecture at Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar". He is currently Chief Inspector at the Regional Inspectorate for the Protection of Cultural Heritage at the Ministry of Culture. A few days ago, he graduated with honours from the master's degree programme Preservation of Cultural Heritage, with the project for socialization of the early Christian episcopal basilica located on Khan Krum Street in the historic centre of Varna.
The Annual Fashion Show of the students majoring in Fashion Design, part of the events 7 Days of Art and Design, became celebration of fashion and beauty. More than 50 designs were presented, united by the themes: Black and White with Colour Highlights, Yellow and Gray, The Man's Shirt in the Woman's Wardrobe, Elegant Jackets in Blue, Dolls, Jewelry. The first-year students walked on the stage of Aula Maxima in the university with their variations of "T-shirt". The applause of the audience gathered the diploma projects of the fourth-year students Milena Karalasheva and Plamena Viareal, as well as the collection of the already graduated Stefani Hristova.
The President of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar" Assoc. Prof. Krasimir Nedyalkov, PhD re-signed the Magna Charta Universitatum 2020 (the Great Charter of Universities) in the year in which Varna Free University celebrates its 30th anniversary.